
Message Of The World Chairman

Dear Supporters of Peace,

I am pleased to apprise you in brief about the INTERNATIONAL PEACE COMMISSION-IPC, Established to serve Humanity without discrimination of caste, color or creed.

IPC is an International Civil Society Organization having more than 19500 individual members and partner organizations around the globe. IPC was formed to uphold the Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, on December 10, 1948. IPC is working in collaboration with the UN organs, such as UNEP, UNDP, UNCHR, UNDDA, and WTO for the betterment of our global society.

IPC is associated with the “Conference of NGO (CONGO)” in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations Organization (UNO) and incorporated in the  United States of America as Non Profit organization and having Partnership /Collaboration with more than 1000 International Non-Governmental Organizations in more than 28 countries.

Our goal is to bring together a wide range of Civil Society Organizations from International to local levels, to consolidate and strengthen the disarmament and peace efforts of countries, organizations, and individuals around the world. Without cooperation, there can be no Peace.

International Peace Commission is devoted to providing you all the best resources and information; to assist with guidance and assistance in getting resources or support in principle which will help in achieving funding for worthwhile and necessary projects further strengthening sustainable civil societies.

IPC  also working to facilitate the participation of NGOs in the UN System. Making sure that NGOs have adequate access to UN meetings, conferences, special events, and documentation is a vital part of our work

The main focus of our work is Human Rights, Social Development, Education, NGO Networking, Environment, Youth, Health, International Campaign against Aids, Women Empowerment, Media, Democratization, Humanitarian Aid, Disaster Management, Peace Keeping Disarmament and sustainability through development and support of civil society initiatives and goals.

Special Note for IPC Members

As members, you are the backbone of IPC,  which exists because of you. We look forward to hearing from you at any time  IPC  will remain deeply committed to supporting the ideals of the United Nations,  and we will seek all opportunities to facilitate and promote your access to the United Nations deliberative and decision-making processes.   We have both as individual organizations and collectively so much to contribute to making a better world, in concert with the essential United Nations.

Over the years,  many of you have remained in close contact with IPC, and we appreciate your collaboration and participation. For others, I hope to (re)connect and discover new possibilities of relating to IPC. Regardless of which category you may fall in, we are glad that you are members of IPC  and we thank you for your continued partnership with us,  sharing so many of the same ethical and idealistic concerns

We look forward to identifying with you new ways of working more closely together.

World Chairman
International Peace Commission-IPC

Think Globally – Act Locally

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